The Paladin has been a favorite of mine since 2nd Edition. The Paladin is a divine warrior, a knight for the god he follows; where a cleric may be a god's voice, the paladin is the god's bulwark, there to protect his followers and shine a light on dark places. In 4th Edition, the Paladin is a Defender, like the Fighter, so it is his job to protect the rest of the party. Like the Fighter, there are a number of ways to do this, and so with this paladin, I chose a different route than the fighter - instead of weapon and shield, this paladin wields a two-handed weapon, to deal out damage and attract the attention of opponents. I present to you Donaar the dragonborn paladin!
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Donaar, level 1
Dragonborn, Paladin
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Fire
Str 18, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18.
Str 16, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16.
AC: 18 Fort: 15 Reflex: 11 Will: 15
HP: 27 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7
Religion +5, Insight +6, Heal +6, Diplomacy +9
Acrobatics -3, Arcana, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance -1, History +2, Intimidate +6, Nature +1, Perception +1, Stealth -3, Streetwise +4, Thievery -3, Athletics +2
Level 1: Draconic Challenge
Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Challenging Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Radiant Smite
Paladin daily 1: Majestic Halo
Adventurer's Kit, Plate Armor, Maul
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
As a paladin and defender, Donaar has an ability called the Divine Challenge; when he challenges an opponent, that opponent then must attack Donaar or take damage. Donaar's feat Draconic Challenge lets Donaar, when using his once-per-encounter breath weapon, to challenge every creature hit by it. Lay on Hands allows him to bestow a small amount of healing on an ally within reach, while Challenging Strike allows Donaar to challenge an additional opponent. Ardent Strike creates a temporary challenge, lasting only for a single turn, but often enough to get an enemy's attention. Radiant Smite does a decent amount of holy damage, and as his daily attack, Donaar has Majestic Halo, which not only hits quite hard but creates a halo of light around him, meaning that any creature that starts its turn adjacent to him for the remainder of the encounter is challenged until Donaar's next turn.
Wednesday Action Log 01-22-25
13 hours ago
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